Yes, most Italian boys start living independently at least after 34 years. Yes, almost all of them remain very close ( sometimes too close ) to their moms ( la mamma). Yes, most of them love calcio ( football). So, all you need is patience… Eventually, if you manage to bear with him mom, with his pation for a football and his incredible emotions … that’s Amore :-)

Author=”Daily News America”. See on

This compares with 35% of women in the same age group in the European nation. Blame is placed on the country’s economy and the lack of jobs — which men are more sensitive to as they traditionally tended to be breadwinners — as to why men may be more leery of leaving the nest.

Italian men are well-known for their love of mama.

But just how much has been revealed by official Italian figures, which show that more than half of all Italian men still live with their moms.

Figures show that 52% of Italian men aged between 25 and 34 were still living at home.

In contrast, just 35% of women were doing the same.

Those who are still a little close to the apron strings are dubbed “mammoni,” or mama’s boys.

A lack of jobs in the economically struggling nation is one reason why men are more reluctant to venture beyond the family home.

Another reason is that many Italians are staying in school longer, thus not earning any income, reports The Local.

The trend is also causing Italian men to increasingly put off marriage and raising a family until later in life.

For Americans in the same age group, the figure is around 25%.

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